
麦迪逊hasse还 '19: Seeing Christ’s Light Shine 通过 Others

2019年9月17日 - 4分钟阅读



I did not think that I would come to 欧文康考迪亚大学 when I first started applying to colleges. I decided to come to 欧文康考迪亚大学 as soon as I stepped onto campus. I came down to visit for a day 和 once I met some of the professors 和 the students I knew that this was where I needed to be. Everyone was so welcoming 和 they were able to show me how much of community 欧文康考迪亚大学 is just through my visit. 


当我在高中的时候, the DCE (基督教教育总监) that was at my home church really spoke into my life 和 showed me how much she cared for me. I was then able to help on a leadership team 和 eventually helped a lot with the middle school students. 通过 this I was able to see God's calling on my life 和 how much I really enjoyed talking to kids about Jesus 和 that I could do this as a career. 


There are so many faculty 和 staff that I admire 和 who have spoken into my life during my time at Concordia. There is no way that I could pick one that I admire the most. 


I have experienced so much growth in my classes 和 being pushed to think outside of what I had thought before. 通过 different discussions in class 和 especially times that I could have one-on-one conversations with different professors I was able to see a lot of growth in myself as a student. I also experienced a lot of growth through my different on-campus jobs. 通过 ASCUI引领-Student Activities, I saw the most growth in my personal development 和 how I work with others. It also showed me how to communicate better 和 grow into someone who can help lead other people. 通过这些不同的学生领导机会, I have gained so much knowledge that has 和 will help me in my future jobs. Finally, I gained the most experience in myself through the 环游世界学期®. This semester pushed me in my academics but also how I viewed the world around me 和 how I can be a better person to everyone around me. 它教会了我如何永远闪耀基督之光. ATW allowed me to see outside of myself 和 really grow as a person. 

《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》带给你的是什么 & 的想法?

是什么让我念念不忘 持久的问题和想法 is the idea that everything is connected 和 can be shown in different ways. I really enjoyed the idea of Math being in everything that we see 和 how it can be viewed in nature. The idea 和 questions of, "What is true, beautiful, 和 good?" really made me think of these ideas in a new light 和 really pushed me to think of it outside of a simple answer. I also got to see how much history 和 literature are intertwined. This was something that I still find so important as I study the Bible 和 also continue to read. It is so important to know the context in which you are reading. 


实习期间我最喜欢的一件事就是 DCE程序 是去了解别人,在他们所在的地方遇见他们. I get an opportunity to talk about Jesus 和 pray for people in the places that they are 和 that is such an amazing opportunity. 我也爱 getting to know people 和 connecting with them. 


我的理想工作就是上帝在那一刻召唤我的地方. I have loved DCE ministry so far 和 cannot wait to see what God has in store for me here.

Describe your most meaningful ministry or outreach experience to date. 

My most meaningful ministry experience to date would be either the time that I have been able to work at a summer camp or the time that I was on ATW. 通过这两种经历, I was able to see how Christ was shining through all of the people around me 和 to be able to see His light. 在我生命中的这些时刻, I was able to walk alongside others 和 they could help speak into my life. I would not be the same person today without being on the 环游世界学期® or if I had not worked at a summer camp. 

What is one thing you have most valued about your time 在欧文的康考迪亚大学?

One thing I have valued most about my time 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is the time that I was able to spend time with faculty 和 staff 和 also the time I could worship with my friends. When I was having a hard time with a concept or if I need advice I could always go to the faculty 和 staff. They are some of the most genuine 和 Christ-like people that I have had the opportunity to get to know. 通过 these conversations, I have become a better student but also a better person all around. This is also true for the times that I was able to worship with my friends through 教堂,喊,源或校外海滩崇拜. It was a time we could come together 和 have fun but also really see God at work through one another. 


My favorite Concordia tradition would have to be Concordia Christmas. I love that the community is able to come 和 spend time together along with the students. 我也爱 希望之夜我很高兴它又回来了. 另一个我最喜欢的康科迪亚传统是 海滩Bash. 这是一个伟大的时间,我们作为学生可以玩得开心, 敬拜并欢迎所有来到康科迪亚的新人们. 

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